Sustainability & Ethics Charter

We, at Helm London, are deeply aware of our responsibilities as a producer and the impact we have on our planet. As a dedicated vegan and environmentally-conscious brand, this Sustainability Charter is a testament to our commitment to integrate sustainability principles into our business operations. We aim to continuously seek better ways of producing and delivering our products in harmony with nature, with a target of achieving carbon neutrality by 1st Jan, 2025.

1.0 Ethical and Vegan Sourcing

1.1 We pledge to source all our materials ethically, sustainably, and ensuring they are 100% vegan. This involves confirming our suppliers adhere to responsible practices, fair trade principles, environmentally friendly operations, and cruelty-free standards.

2.0 Responsible Packaging

2.1 We commit to minimizing waste by using recyclable, reusable, and/or compostable materials in all our packaging.

2.2 We aim to educate our customers on the best practices for disposing of our packaging responsibly.

3.0 Clean and Vegan Ingredients

3.1 We commit to using clean, non-toxic, and 100% vegan ingredients in our candles, including lead-free wicks and plant-based wax.

3.2 We pledge to transparently disclose all the ingredients we use.

4.0 Energy Efficiency and Carbon Neutrality

4.1 We will continually aim to minimize our energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions in our operations, using renewable sources of energy whenever possible.

4.2 We aim to become a carbon-neutral company by 2025. To achieve this, we will offset any unavoidable emissions by investing in certified carbon offset projects.

5.0 Waste Management

5.1 We commit to reducing, reusing, and recycling waste generated from our operations. Our goal is to achieve a zero-waste status in our production process.

5.2 We will encourage return and refill schemes for our candle containers, promoting a circular economy.

6.0 Water Conservation

6.1 We commit to implementing strategies to reduce water usage in our manufacturing processes and facilities. We will also endeavor to recycle and reuse water wherever possible.

7.0 Ethical Practices

7.1 We are committed to ensuring that all our business practices are ethical, including fair labor practices, responsible marketing, transparent reporting, and respect for human rights.

7.2 We are dedicated to maintaining high standards of corporate governance, including ethical decision-making and accountability.

7.3 We will conduct regular audits to ensure compliance with these ethical standards and will take corrective actions if any issues are identified.

8.0 Community Engagement

8.1 We pledge to give back to our community. We will support local initiatives related to environmental conservation, education, social welfare, and animal rights.

8.2 We aim to foster open and collaborative relationships with our stakeholders, ensuring their voices are heard and respected.

9.0 Continuous Improvement

9.1 We commit to regularly monitor and review our sustainability performance, seeking innovative ways to improve.

9.2 We will communicate our sustainability efforts and achievements to our customers, employees, and stakeholders, fostering a collective commitment to sustainability.

10.0 Compliance

10.1 We will comply with all relevant environmental laws and regulations and aim to exceed compliance where possible.

This Charter outlines the key principles that underpin our dedication to sustainability. As a vegan brand, we promise to respect all life forms, creating a sustainable, clean, and positive future. We invite our customers, partners, and stakeholders to join us in this journey.